My son is 13 years old. Just recently he has been wanting to learn to drive a car. So a few days ago I took him (In my wife's car!) to an empty school parking lot just North of OKC. At first I let him sit in front of me. He directed all the steering and pedals, but I was there to help at a very close proximity. After about 15 minutes of this he wanted me to sit in the passenger seat and let him drive. Of course I was a little nervous about it, but felt he would do ok. (Especially with the emergency brake located between the seats!) So, with me in the passenger seat he began to putt around barely over an idle.
It was his first time ever to drive by himself. He didn't start out fast and he made a few mistakes. I relate this snippet out of my personal life to make the connection to our spiritual lives.
Believers need to know that is ok to start out slow. We need to remind ourselves that we will make some mistakes. There will be times we hit the curb or jam the brakes too hard. It's ok. Just as I was there for my son to guide him, God will be there as your guide in your life. What's important is that you allow God to speak into your life and help you make the right turns.
After we drove around the parking lot of that school for about 45 minutes, my son said, "I can't imagine driving this thing at 80mph". (I was secretly thinking...."Me either!")
You may be at an idle speed today in your spiritual life. Its ok. Take this time to listen to your guide and learn what He is teaching you about navigating this road He has you on. He may have you moving at a slower pace because there are some pot holes ahead. Just follow the guide.