Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vicious Tornadoes in Oklahoma

I admit it. I don't like tornadoes. Ever since I was a small child I've been scared of them. Over the years I've suffered ridicule from others because of, what I like to call, my healthy respect of them.

Today several large tornadoes ran through my home state of Oklahoma and my heart and prayers go out to those who were effected by them. As one of those was raging toward the town of Piedmont, we made the last minute decision to make a dash for a friends house, who has a storm shelter, about 5 miles away. In order to get to safety we had to actually drive toward the tornado.

As we drove, the clouds grew more and more ominous. The lightening was the most intense I've ever seen. We continued to race toward the black wall of clouds and also our safety, blowing through stop signs and driving as fast as was safe.

Now sitting in my comfy chair in the living room, reflecting on the event, a few things stand out.

1. As we drove quickly to safety there were cars in front of us that seemed to be unconcerned of the sever conditions. This was evident from how slow they were driving.

2. The experts told us to get to the safest place possible at all cost.

3. Even though we were driving into the storm, safety lay between us.

We continued driving as fast as possible, until finally we arrived at the road. We raced down the street and into the driveway of our friends. In moments we were underground in a storm shelter.

Fortunately, the tornado stayed about 4 miles North of us and my family is safe tonight. This time. What would have happened if we would have ignored the experts and the storm would have made a direct hit to our house?

Its an easy transition to make a spiritual implication here. Many people are wondering through life not realizing the sever condition of their souls. Without Christ, life and certainly eternity is pointless. Even though God has sent people into their lives to warn them of those sever conditions. Undoubtedly, there will be times that we feel we are driving right into, or have entered into, the greatest storm of our lives. However, if we are in the safest place possible...we'll survive the storm.

Where is that "Safe" place for our souls? In Christ. The Bible says in Psalms 32:7 "Thou art a hiding place for me,thou preservest me from trouble; thou dost encompass me with deliverance."

Romans 10:9 "because, if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

I pray that you will get to the safe place soon.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I was reading this morning in Genesis chapters 17 and 18. It's the story of God telling Abraham and Sara (God changed their names to this). I never noticed it before, but as God was informing Abraham that his wife was going to have a son, Abraham fell face down and began to laugh (17:17). Abraham, went on to ask God, "Can a son be born to a man one hundred years old?" Abraham thought this to be impossible.

However, at some point Abraham decided to believe God for the impossible. In fact he acted on that faith by doing what God asked him to do (God told him to be circumcised along with all his household). Sometimes it's hard to act on what God tells you to do isn't it?

In chapter 18, Abraham again has a visit from the Lord. This time it was his wife Sara who laughed when she heard she would have a baby (Gen 18:12).

It's a little strange to think of Abraham as having great faith, yet today we speak of him when we mention those with who have it. Even the writer of Hebrews mentions Abraham as an example of someone who has the kind of faith we should emulate (Heb 11).

God wants you to believe Him for the impossible. He is a BIG God who loves you and is working out His plans in your life. It may appear that what He has asked you to do is foolish. However, God chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. It isn't our role to "reason" if things are possible, but to believe this BIG God for BIG things in our life. God works through faith!

1. Believe God for BIGGER things in your life.
2. Trust that He is BIG enough to take care of your problems.
3. Activate your faith by doing what He has asked you to do.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bitter Sweet

I didn't get the news until last night about 10pm, that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. This man who was by far the most wanted man on the planet, met his demise through the constant pursuit of our U.S. Military forces. Having served in the Army and still having friends that serve, it hits home. I'm extremely proud of our military, especially for friends that are in military units which were directly involved in administering the justice to Bin Laden.

As I sit in my living room now watching CNN. There are interviews happening where people are speaking as though all of the terrorism threats are behind us now because of Bin Laden's death. Although, a major threat has been removed I don't feel that the overall threat is behind us.

We need to rejoice in the victory, but also be thankful for those who fight in our place.

This can be connected directly to our spiritual lives as well. We have an enemy who is out to bring terror and death to our lives. His soul mission is to chip away at our defenses until we give up the fight. So what do we do?

We turn to the One who fights for us. To win spiritual victories in your life, you don't need to relentlessly pursue your enemy, but relentlessly pursue your Savior. Jesus Christ has made the ultimate sacrifice for you. In fact, Jesus is the one that tracked down and defeated your enemy for you.

The Bible says about Jesus in Colossians 2:15, "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."

Today, rejoice in the victory that Jesus has given you.