Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What is this babbler trying to say?

I've been thinking lately about what people think about our church. Not just the one I pastor, but the church as a whole. I wonder sometimes what those that have never stepped into a church, think about how we "do" church. Is the service itself confusing to them? Do they wonder why we stand when we do? Why we pass a bucket and ask them to give. Why we sing to a God we can't see.

I wonder how intimidated they are when they first step unto the property? Will people judge them? Will they be wearing the right clothes? Will they wonder if we'll expect them to do something that makes them uncomfortable or embarrass them?

Or do they just not care one way or the other about the church and this Gospel message? I wonder if people just simply think it's all irrelevant. Maybe they just feel that their life is fine and they don't have a need for God... if there even is a God.

All of this has me thinking what those who carry this timeless message can do. Is our message of any value to someone who wont listen to it? Can someone be changed, forgiven or enter into heaven without ever hearing, believing and accepting the message? I think not.

Maybe the church should begin to think more creatively. Maybe we should question everything we do and and how we do it, based on how the unchurched would view it. Of course the message remains the same, but could we package it differently? Could we present it in a way where others would actually listen long enough to hear it?

Are we relevant?