Have you ever accidentally thrown something away that was worth something to you? A few years ago as we were packing our house to move to Africa, my wife found this old purse she didn't use anymore. Not thinking she would need it, she threw it away. Months went by before we realized that the diamond earrings I bought her were missing. We searched high and low for them, but couldn't find them anywhere. Want to guess where they were? You got it...she had thrown them away with the purse!
The writer of Hebrews says in 10:35- "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded."
Many times in our anxiety of moving on to the place God has for us we "throw away" our confidence. This happens because we've grown confident in the place God has us. You know the routine, the in's and out's of the place and generally can just flow because you've been there for awhile. But now God is asking you to completely trust you again to step out into the unknown.
He could (as many times) ask you to do something that is way out of your comfort zone. Maybe He is leading you to do something that you've never done before. In these times don't be worried that you don't have what it takes to do what God is asking you to do. It is He who has called you and equipped you and it is He who supplies the confidence you need to accomplish the task.
If you keep your confidence in HIM and not in yourself you'll find that He will come through for you time and time again. It's only when we get confident in ourselves that we begin to feel that anxiety.
Today do something big for God. Place your confidence in Him and it will be richly rewarded.
2 Cor 3:4,5 4Such is the confidence that we have in God through Christ. 5By ourselves we are not qualified to claim that anything comes from us. Rather, our credentials come from God...