Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Patient in Affliction

affliction |əˈflik sh ən|
something that causes pain or suffering

I don't know about you, but I do not much like "Pain" or "Suffering." Yet Paul told us in Romans 12:12 to be patient in them.

Romans 12:12- Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Patient in affliction is actually how he put it. That word, which is defined above, isn't a pretty word.

If Paul tells us to be "patient" in our afflictions, it must mean that there is a time that it will all be over. It seems like he is telling the Romans, "Hey, I know times are hard. Just hold out because this too shall pass."

Are you going through something right now that seems too heavy to carry? Consider the fact that Jesus is there with you helping you carry that load right now. Call out to Him for strength and wisdom. Remember, be patient...for this too shall pass.