I'm sitting watching the Thunder finish up a 3 game streak over the Nuggets. I'm usually really tired by midnight, but it's the playoffs! I think I'm a little juiced up about tomorrow being Easter too. It's like the NBA Championship for churches. It's one of the 2 days when anyone who considers themselves a "church goer" attends church. (Christmas being the other).
Just being transparent here...I wonder why some people only come those days? It makes me wonder, if It's the church that isn't attractive enough for people to want to come more often or people just having busy lives. I want to believe it's the latter.
If it's not however, the church has some serious realities to face. How can we place ourselves in position to be relevant and attractive to those of our communities? Again, taking from basketball, I believe its just practice and the ability to make adjustments.
Great basketball teams take seriously those two things. In practice, the believer must live out their Christian witness everyday so others see the blessings God brings to them, thus making them want it. (Matthew 5:16). In adjustment, the believer and the church must be able and willing to change the presentation in order to get the ear of those only mildly interested.
I really hope the Thunder win the NBA Championship this year. I love these guys!