I didn't get the news until last night about 10pm, that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. This man who was by far the most wanted man on the planet, met his demise through the constant pursuit of our U.S. Military forces. Having served in the Army and still having friends that serve, it hits home. I'm extremely proud of our military, especially for friends that are in military units which were directly involved in administering the justice to Bin Laden.
As I sit in my living room now watching CNN. There are interviews happening where people are speaking as though all of the terrorism threats are behind us now because of Bin Laden's death. Although, a major threat has been removed I don't feel that the overall threat is behind us.
We need to rejoice in the victory, but also be thankful for those who fight in our place.
This can be connected directly to our spiritual lives as well. We have an enemy who is out to bring terror and death to our lives. His soul mission is to chip away at our defenses until we give up the fight. So what do we do?
We turn to the One who fights for us. To win spiritual victories in your life, you don't need to relentlessly pursue your enemy, but relentlessly pursue your Savior. Jesus Christ has made the ultimate sacrifice for you. In fact, Jesus is the one that tracked down and defeated your enemy for you.
The Bible says about Jesus in Colossians 2:15, "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."
Today, rejoice in the victory that Jesus has given you.