Saturday, June 11, 2011

10 Reasons why...

So, tonight I've been thinking about why it's important to share this message of God's forgiveness and Grace which came through Jesus. Church folks call it Evangelism, our friends call it "pressure!" (depending on your method and motive).

Regardless of what you call it there are some real reasons that we should tell others about Christ love for them:
1. It's hard to walk away from a faith that you are actively sharing.
2. It's rewarding when you see a friend start their faith journey.
3. Lets face it, there is something exhilarating about sharing our faith. For me it's similar to my first ride on a roller coaster. But every time!
4. It proves to me that I really have a faith at all. When you believe something you act as such.
5. It keeps me from being selfish. "Do I really care if anyone else feels the joy of salvation?”
6. I love Jesus and He tells me to do it.
7. Everywhere Jesus went He told them that forgiveness was available and I want to be just like Jesus.
8. Something inside urges me to tell people about the joy I have found.
9. Faith in Christ will help people and I want to help people.
10. I feel obligated, because I know that someone loved me enough to share...shouldn't I do the same?

This is a pivotal aspect of what we say we believe. I pray that you'll have the courage today to introduce Christ to someone.