Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will it hurt me to drink bleach from the bottle?

Noun:A substance that, when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, causes death or injury, esp. one that kills by rapid action.

3 of the ways a person can be poisoned are: ingestion (swallowing it), inhalation (breathing it), absorption (absorbing it through the skin).

Most people don't poison themselves. In fact the majority of cases where someone is poisoned it's by accident. The other cases are involving children where they simply didn't know what they were taking in.

I believe it's possible for someone to get poisoned spiritually as well. Just as in the above mentioned cases, I believe its avoidable.

Sometimes Believers get connected in one way or another with someone that isn't as mature as they are spiritually. This, in and of itself, isn't a bad thing. In fact it's good if the mature believer is encouraging the other person.

However, the mature believer must realize that things may happen from time to time that will cause the immature believer to take something in (such as the baby drinking poison), that isn't good for them. It comes in many forms (most commonly gossip) but is still traced back to it's root form...sin. When this happens the immature Christian will change. They won't be thinking straight. They in essence have been poisoned.

*The poison effects their vision- they start seeing things that aren't there. People they once trusted now appear to them, to have ulterior motives or agenda's. They will view others differently because of the poison.
*The poison effects their speech- the poisoned believer changes the way they speak about others. People they once spoke of in high regard now receive only negative speech from the poisoned believer. The poison is effecting what they have to say about others. Their speech will become "slurred" or not making sense. You will know when this happening when the things the poisoned believer is saying just doesn't make sense to what you see happening in a situation.
*The poison effects their judgement- the poisoned person has seen things that aren't there and said things they wouldn't have normally said and now they begin to make unsound judgements toward people. Their poor judgment is normally made toward the motives of those around them. They begin to feel that others are out to get them or those around them.

Its contagious!
That's right, this poison can be contracted by the mature believer before they even realize that they are being poisoned. It's subtle. This poison works it's way into the believer ever so slowly. Then before the mature believer realizes it...their vision is being changed.... They start seeing things that aren't there...then comes bad judgement.

So hopefully by now your wondering how this happens? How can a mature believer unknowingly take in poison?

The answer Is simple. They didn't know it was poison until it was too late. Think of carbon monoxide poisoning. One second your relaxing in your house and before you know it....your talking funny, your not thinking straight and your trying to get out but it's difficult.

1. Ingestion (swallowing it)- this is the easiest way to be poisoned. This is "swallowing" everything someone tells you about a situation or another person. Remember most of the time when someone is speaking bad about an Individual they aren't seeing things clearly and it is effecting their speech and judgement. This would be accustom to swallowing something that a drunk person gave you. Just as you wouldn't do that, "swallowing" or believing something that a poisoned person tells you could poison you as well.
2. inhalation (breathing it)- this is taking what the poisoned person tells you and sharing it with others. You start "breathing" it to others around you. The more you are exposed to the poison (bringing it out to share with others) the more you are being poisoned.
3. absorption (absorbing it through the skin)-This is a proximity poising. It happens by being around the poison too long. It happens when you spend so much time around the poisoned individual that you also begin to feel it's effects. It's similar to getting poison Ivey. Small contact gives you a small amount of poison that can be taken care of with a small amount of meds. (a good sermon or a little prayer time). But walking off into a patch of it and rolling around in it will cause some major damage in which hospitalization may be necessary! Be careful of over exposure to poisoned individuals!

I want to ask you. Are you seeing things differently but there hasn't really been a reason? Are you thinking differently about people that really haven't changed? Are you making judgments about peoples motives that you really are unsure of?

I encourage you to follow the example of the Word of God in these matters. His Word is the only antidote to this poison.

It reads....
"If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'t If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. (Matthew 18:15-17 NIV)

In following the Bible way of resolving conflict you may just find that you had the motives of the other person all may just find that you were the one in which was poisoned.

And if you are being poisoned? Ask forgiveness both from God and from the person you had it all wrong about. By doing so you make the poison of no effect.

and in the future....stay clear of those that want to poison you.